bad parents we all hate them and we all have met them . their mean, and smell bad they pass gas when it's quiet and the have a weird way that they to love you like when they hit you, ya they love you.
Do you see the pour girl on the picture to the left you know her parents love her , they love here so much the put a dam cat in her cake ya you know there's gonna be hair in that cake. That cat is so nice he always Tell's the truth then he goes and changes the settings in your car radio then you'll hate that cat. That little girl is like omg I can see his but crack and you know that cat is not ashamed to be like a plumper.
Now if your adopted it doesn't mean your parents are bad, but if you get sent back to Russia on a plane after you get adopted then your parents are wired clowns . click the word now
I wonder what it would look like when you tell your kid that there adopted it would look like the girl in the picture ya that. but that's as real as Sandra Bulics noes your parents will never put a cat in your cake.
OK I got a question what would you do if you got flown back to Russia leave your comments in the box bellow comment
Now why would any one tap a baby to a sine don't know
Life lesson; they will always love you unless your a Russian orphan I commented on
Robert's blog on buses
Robert's blog on buses
I agree with you about the bad parent thing, they may hit you, beat you, or tape you to a sign but they probably do love you. Your post was very funny especially the part about the cat. I enjoyed reading it, good job Ethan